Netflix suggestion.

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog today I thought I would share a new found obsession of mine. So I got Netflix the other day and straight away I started watching this tv series called once upon a time. I haven't been able to stop watching it, I am actually watching it right now as I type this. So I thought I would give a quick description of it and recommend it to you.

The storyline: Snow white has a baby with prince charming, the baby is called Emma. Emma is the only hope of breaking the curse the evil queen set on all fairy tale characters. Prince charming puts their baby into a magical wardrobe, and they hope when she is 28 she will come looking for them. Emma gets a knock on the door by a kid called Henry. Henry turns out to be Emma's child, but there is a twist the evil queen who is now in the real world adopted Henry. Henry knows about the curse because he was given the once upon a time book. Storybrooke is the town where all the fairy tale characters live, but no strangers ever visit this town and nobody ever leaves, when Emma visits this town the curse starts to break starting with the time finally changing on the clock. The evil queen is the mayor of Storybrooke and everything is run by her, Emma must uncover the truth that Snow White and Prince charming are her mum and dad, and the fairy tale characters will be freed from Storybrooke and will remember their fairy tale identities. (Every episode shows the fairy tale characters in the real world, and it also shows their story in the fairy tail world)

I love this tv series, one series after the other its always really gripping. I am currently on season 1 episode 11.

Would you watch this, and can you recommend any good things to watch on Netflix let me know in the comments.


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